Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet David Carol, even though we both lived in Long Island, just a few miles away from each other and, at least according to some of the photographs he has published, we even shopped at the same supermarket and went to the same beach.
David J. Carol is the Director of Photography at CBS Outdoor and a contributing writer for Rangefinder Magazine and for PDN’s Emerging Photographer Magazine. First and foremost, though, he is an established photographer, with a passion for working with emerging photographers.
He is the only person, so far, that was able to put down in words exactly how I feel about my latest photography work and so the best thing I can do is to quote him, instead of trying to come up with some nonsense statement.
I try to photograph nothing, even when something is there. I want to find the moment, the place, the thing that is truly unimportant, and make it everything. The closer I get to this, the more of myself is revealed. [...]
For me one of the biggest challenges is to take a picture of nothing and make it into something. I'm not nearly as interested in the obvious, on the other hand, what I find interesting is usually pretty obvious to me. So I guess what I'm saying is that I have less interest in what I perceive is interesting to others and much more interest in what's interesting or obvious to me.